Food for Your Complexion

Food for Your ComplexionWant rosy cheeks? Try munching a ripe, rosy tomato. It may sound far fetched but it turns out that a “peaches-and-cream” complexion actually may derive from eating peaches–and pumpkins, and apricots, watermelons, carrots, yams and even spinach. A recent study at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland looked at the association between fruit and vegetable consumption and skin color changes over a six-week period.

“Our study suggests that an increase in fruit and veggie consumption of around three portions over a six-period is sufficient to convey perceptible improvements in the apparent healthiness and attractiveness of facial skin,” said lead researcher Ross Whitehead. “Conversely, those who worsened their diet became paler.”

The researchers looked at the consumption of carotenoids, the res and yellow plant pigments found in colorful fruits and vegetables, specifically focusing on beta-carotene and lycopene. While the study was small, the findings that the resulting more colorful skin was also judged more attractive has prompted the researchers to explore if seeing potential appearance gains can motivate dietary changes.

Does the promise of better looking skin have you reaching for an extra serving of veggies tonight? It does for us! More veggies, peas! Nom..nom…

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